Cartier winding parameters

Watch Winding specifications for Cartier

Here is the complete official watch movement database covers all watches.

All our watch winders for Cartier use our technology which allows exact precision on the number of turns given to your watch, thus guaranteeing perfect winding.

Beyond quality, we want to offer you the best for your watches, which is why our teams keep their focus on innovation.

Below you will find the number of turns per day for your Cartier watch.

You will be able to adjust your Temporalité de Paris watch winder accordingly using the TPD database.

Autoscaph: W10147U2 Bi-directional 650
Ballon Bleu Automatic Bi-directional 650
Ballon Bleu de Cartier Large Bi-directional 650
Ballon Bleu de Cartier Medium Clockwise 650 - 800
Ballon Bleu de Cartier XL Clockwise 650 - 800
Ballon Bleu de Cartier Chronograph XL Clockwise 650 - 800
Calibre de Cartier Bi-directional 700
Calibre de Cartier Chrono Bi-directional 700
Calibre de Cartier Diver Bi-directional 700
Calibre de Cartier Watch Bi-directional 650 - 950
ID-ONE Clockwise 820
Must de Cartier Autoscaph W10147U2 Bi-directional 650
Pasha 42mm Bi-directional 650
Pasha 950 Clockwise 800
Pasha Automatic Counter Clockwise 500
Pasha Plongeur: W31016N1 Bi-directional 650
Pasha C Bi-directional 650
Pasha C de Cartier: W31047M7 Bi-directional 650
Pasha C Big Date Bi-directional 650
Pasha C Chronograph: W31048M7 Bi-directional 650
Pasha C Ltd. Ed. 2007 35mm Bi-directional 650
Pasha C Two Time Zone Watch, Medium Model Bi-directional 650
Pasha de Cartier 42mm Bi-directional 650 - 800
Pasha de Cartier Ltd. Ed. 42mm Bi-directional 650 - 800
Pasha de Cartier Chronograph 42mm: W31030H3 Clockwise 800
Pasha Watch, XL Bi-directional 650 - 800
Pasha Lunette Simple: 81750113 Bi-directional 650
Pasha Plongeur W31016N1 Bi-directional 650
Pasha Power Reserve: W3101255 Bi-directional 650
Pasha Seatimer Large Model Bi-directional 650
Pasha Seatimer XL Model Bi-directional 650
Pasha Seatimer Chronograph 42.5mm Clockwise 800
Roadster Bi-directional 650
Roadster Chronograph Bi-directional 650
Roadster XL Bi-directional 650
Roadster Chronograph XL Bi-directional 650
Roadster Large Model: W62025V3, W62031Y4, W62041V3 Bi-directional 650
Roadster S Watch, Large Model: W6206017, W6206018 Bi-directional 650
Roadster XL Model: W6206000, W6206001, W6206012 Bi-directional 650
Rotonde de Cartier Astrocalendeur Bi-directional 820
Rotonde de Cartier Astroregulator Bi-directional 820
Rotonde de Day & Night Bi-directional 820
Santos Clockwise 700
Santos 100 Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 Chrono Clockwise 800
Santos 100 Chrono Carbon Clockwise 800
Santos 100 Rose Gold DLC Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 Carbon Watch Chronograph XL Clockwise 800
Santos 100 Carbon Watch Large Model Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 Carbon Watch Medium Model Clockwise 650 - 800
Santos 100 Large Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 LE Large Dragon Motif Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 LE Large Saint-Basile Motif Bi-directional 650
Santos 100 Medium Clockwise 650 - 800
Santos 100 XL Chronograph Clockwise 800
Santos de Cartier Galbée Grand Modele: W20040D6 Clockwise 650 - 800
Santos de Cartier Galbée XL Bi-directional 650
Santos Carré: 81036283 Bi-directional 650
Santos Galbe Small Bi-directional 650
Santos Galbe Large Clockwise 650 - 800
Santos Ronde: W20028G1 Bi-directional 650
Tank Americaine Clockwise 700
Tank Americaine Large Size W51002Q3 Clockwise 650
Tank Americaine Moyen Clockwise 700
Tank Americaine Moyen Modele W26035596 Clockwise 650
Tank Americaine Moyen Model: WB7045MP Counter Clockwise 650
Tank Americaine Large Model Clockwise 650 - 800
Tank Americaine Medium Model: WB7045MP Bi-directional 650
Tank Americaine Medium Model: W2603556 Clockwise 650 - 800
Tank Americaine Watch XL Counter Clockwise 500
Tank Americaine XL Chronograph Clockwise 800
Tank Anglaise Caliber 1904 Bi-directional 650
Tank Divan Clockwise 650
Tank Francaise Auto Clockwise 650
Tank Francaise Auto Large Size Clockwise 650 - 800
Tank Francaise Large Model Clockwise 650 - 800
Tank Francaise GM Clockwise 650
Tank Francaise XXL Yearling Clockwise 650
TanTank Americaine Large Size Clockwise 650
Tortue Perpetual Calendar Clockwise 820
Tortue World Timer Calendar 1904 Clockwise 650
19 MC Bi-directional 650
46 MC Bi-directional 650
47 MC Bi-directional 650
48 MC Bi-directional 650
51 MC Bi-directional 650
75 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
76 MC Bi-directional 650
119 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
148 MC Bi-directional 650
190 MC Counter Clockwise 500
199 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
204 MC Clockwise 800
219 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
381A MC Clockwise 650 - 800
1904-PS MC Bi-directional 650 - 950
3109 MC Bi-directional 650
7999 MC Bi-directional 650 - 800
8099 MC Clockwise 800
8100 MC Clockwise 800
8509 MC Bi-directional 650
8629 MC Clockwise 800
19 MC Bi-directional 650
46 MC Bi-directional 650
47 MC Bi-directional 650
48 MC Bi-directional 650
51 MC Bi-directional 650
75 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
76 MC Bi-directional 650
119 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
148 MC Bi-directional 650
190 MC Counter Clockwise 500
199 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
204 MC Clockwise 800
219 MC Clockwise 650 - 800
381A MC Clockwise 650 - 800
1904-PS MC Bi-directional 650 - 950
3109 MC Bi-directional 650
7999 MC Bi-directional 650 - 800
8099 MC Clockwise 800
8100 MC Clockwise 800
8509 MC Bi-directional 650
8629 MC Clockwise 800