Romain Jerome winding parameters
Watch Winding specifications for Romain Jerome
Here is the complete official watch movement database covers all watches.
All our watch winders for Romain Jerome use our technology which allows exact precision on the number of turns given to your watch, thus guaranteeing perfect winding.
Beyond quality, we want to offer you the best for your watches, which is why our teams keep their focus on innovation.
Below you will find the number of turns per day for your Romain Jerome watch.
You will be able to adjust your Temporalité de Paris watch winder accordingly using the TPD database.
Eyjafjallajökull DNA | Clockwise | 670 |
Golf Master Time ""Hole In One"" | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Dust Black Mood Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Dust DNA | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Dust Red Mood Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Dust Red Mood Set Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Dust Steel Mood Orche | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Dust Steel Mood Silver | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Dust Steel Mood White | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater 40 Black Metal | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater 40 Black Metal Auto Set | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater 40 Ti | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Black Metal | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Black Metal Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Invater Eminence Grise | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Eminence Grise Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Invater Heavy Metal | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Red Speed Metal | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Red Speed Metal Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Moon Invater Speed Metal | Bi-directional | 650 |
Moon Invater Speed Metal Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Steampunk Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Subcraft | Clockwise | 800 |
T-oxy Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
T-oxy III Black a la Grande | Bi-directional | 650 |
Tattoo-DNA | Bi-directional | 650 |
Titanic DNA Chrono | Clockwise | 800 |
Ultimate Rust | Bi-directional | 650 |